Why can't I change the pinion angle?
I bought some 3/4 ton axles for a '75 that are going on my '72 GMC. The rear spring hangers for the Corp-14FF are different widths than the stock ones for '72.
Why can't I rotate the pinion up to compensate for the 8" lift springs when I re-weld the perches on there? I have heard that this would knock pinion angle off, but so will the lift...
Also, what is the easiest way to relocate them? Gring off the weld and re-weld the old ones, can I buy new ones, etc?
'71 C-10
'72 GMC K2500
'72 Nova (Dad's)
'70 Chevelle SS
'55 Sedan Delivery
Attempting to build up this here 4x4...make her real tall and purty...well, maybe just tall