Thread: Ignition switch
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Old 09-24-2012, 11:44 AM   #1
a fool with no money
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Ignition switch

I finally got around to replacing that annoying sticking ignition switch on the steering column yesterday.

disconnected battery, took off the aftermarket steering wheel/horn button, realized I needed a special compression tool to remove the steering lock plate, (fast forward to coming back from the local parts store with said part). Removed plate, removed the screws to the blinker assembly, removed the cylinder locking screw, pulled out old cylinder, inserted new one, reverse order assebled.

now the blinkers dont work and when you turn the key to start, nothing.

horn works, fuses are good...

before I tear back into it tonight, anything I need to be on the lookout for?

Basicly stock 83 SWB with a few Bolt-ons

before, during and still during
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