Originally Posted by Modges'66
Regular primer? What's that?
If you have the drying time, & muscle to work the epoxy primer, you will be much better off in the end...No shrink over time, & much better anti-corrosive characteristics. IMO
I'm new at the body and paint scene and was under the understanding that I still had to use another primer. I was told at the paint supply place that after sanding everything to bare metal than spray with epoxy. After the the epoxy primer is on go ahead and start any body work that needs to be done, prime seal and paint. I just used the epoxy primer on mini bike tins I was working on so I could get a feel for how it was to spray. After sitting for a number of days I sanded everything, so I know what you mean about the muscle. I still sprayed with standard primer and blocked again before paint. Is this wrong or do people re-prime because the the epoxy primer is so hard to work?