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Old 09-26-2012, 01:18 PM   #25
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Thumbs up Re: sway bar questions

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
good info AT, thank you. Rather than scrounge the local yards - I did order a bar. It's 1.25", which might be a bit stiff, so hopefully I didn't cornhole myself.
Yep, I can't imagine trying to keep a truck like yours from wallowing around on turns, that thing is really heavy, I had no idea it'd be that much!

I'm still trying to decide if I need a rear bar -some companies don't sell one of those, so I'm gonna see how I like the front one solo and then decide. Hopefully I didn't go so stiff that now my hubcaps pop off on hard turns!! Either way, it's gonna be an improvement, my truck rolls around like it's trying to balance on a bowling ball. Or like a "waterbed" in turns as protrash said
Rest free, jocko! Based on a sample of just one, you did nothing wrong. I put the same size you ordered on my '66 (from of a 1-tonner), using brackets et al, & it made mine just right--not in the least too stiff. Even the used OEM bushings are as quiet as one could ask for(luck?).

A thought: I believe if you Google the necessity/effectiveness of a rear bar also, not narrowing it just to '60-'66, you'll find lotsa responses stating no need for rear bars[unless, of course, somebody hauls heavy loads]. This is just what I recall when doing mine. Hope you enjoy your addition of the 1.25" front bar! Please let us know the additional effect of the rear bar if you decide later to add one: it'd be interesting to hear the before and after
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