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Old 09-26-2012, 04:03 PM   #5
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Re: Headlight adjustment

Glad to help! Here's a shot of upgraded Cibie H4 E-code headlights in my '64 VW with 80/100 watt bulbs and a home built relay harness. Very wide, very bright light on low beams with a sharp upper cut off so oncoming traffic isn't blinded. I'd stick with Cibie, Hella, or Bosch for H4 housings- they are VERY high quality and produce a very well controlled beam battern. Cheaper/no-name housings won't have as good of a beam pattern- wasting light output and producing more glare for oncoming traffic. One of the best upgrades you can do!

This is in an early VW bug with the "fish bowl" headlights- the bulb is sunk into the fender so the low beam pattern isn't as wide as it would be in a flush mount application like our trucks.

This shot shows the cut off up close against a wall, these are Hella H4's in our S10 with the same harness and bulbs.

Here's the difference between cheap H4's and quality H4's.

These were Delta Tech 7" Classic Convex housings. They're just remarketed chinese Weiseim housings- don't waste your money on these! They're better than sealed beams, but definitely not worth what they cost. Sharp cut off, but very narrow beam pattern.

Cibie Z Beam housings. Much wider and more evenly distributed light.

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