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Old 09-27-2012, 10:40 AM   #14
dads longhorn
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Re: MN Da-Burbs place

wow, what a great story and pics. Thanks for the link! Yeah, i can see how the TSA would be interested in his cooler, and I'm glad I don't have anything to do with those folks, yet!!!! I'm glad to hear they were serious about their jobs though.
I've noticed that longhorn man hasn't posted in a long time.

I'd love a road trip like that. I had a mini one where I drove dads 1971 longhorn from Pocatello, Id to Santa Fe, NM over 3 days back in 2008. The truck did very well. The only issue was at 12,000 feet elevation passing over the rockies there was a smell of gas, not enough oxygen up that high to burn well. The smell went away as I came back down. It was fun trip.

Probably not going to the swap meet, I don't need much and what I do need I can find thru this web site. Thanks everyone!
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