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Old 09-29-2012, 08:31 AM   #5
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Re: Little help needed: original 1964 C10 front suspension?

The lower control arm bushings tell me it's not a '73-'87. With 5-lugs, disc brakes, and the threaded control arm bushings, my guess is that it's a 1971 or 1972 half-ton suspension.

If the crossmember has been swapped out to a '73-'87, then there should be one hole on each side of the frame where it attaches to the crossmember that should be slotted. If you install a later crossmember in an early chassis, you have to drill two new holes and slot two others to get it all to bolt up.

Another thing to look at is the size of the u-bolts on the lower control arms. The earlier ones are a smaller diameter than the later ones.
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