Originally Posted by dcramos72
No plug or spacer came with the kit (just plugs for brake line inlets for bench bleeding). Can't remember if hollow space was blunt or flat.
Can't tell if brakes are applied (sitting in garage), but does not feel like it.
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One of 2 things is probably happening. (1) Your pedal is not pushing fully into the booster . or (2) Your booster is not pushing the mc-piston fully into the mc. Get someone to help you & see what happens when you try to bleed your mc via the leg-pumping method. If it bleeds & builds pressure properly, problem solved. If it merely pumps just a tad of fluid, or maybe none, then one of the 2 scenarios above exists. I'm betting the mc has a hollow piston that will require a spacer. BTW: This spacer can be made from a bolt you cut the threaded end off of--one whose diameter is just enough smaller than the hollow in the mc piston that it freely, but closely, "rattles around" when test-fitting into hollow. Cut off just enough length--approx. 1 inch +/-. Using a bench grinder, dress down one end to a blunt point, or cone, kinda like the end of a .38 bullet. Grind down other end about flat (or indented just a tad if you can drill the end ever so slightly with a big enough bit to make it into a very shallow well-shape: to accept a booster's push-rod), to make the length come about flush with the end of m-c piston's outer limit of travel in the cylinder--you will be filling the hollow. Again, some mc's have a flat-ended piston, against which which the orig. brake-rod pushes; these use no spacers. Others have a hollow piston, **into which the booster-rod enters about 1 inch+/-. **Here's where I feel you are "coming up short".
Did your kit come with a single-outlet, single-line mc like what came on your truck originally? or did it come with a dual-outlet, dual-line mc like comes on '67 and newer, which requires you to re-plumb your system to accept the dual-brake system?