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Old 09-30-2012, 11:30 PM   #8
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Posts: 11
Re: Disc Brake Conversion Question


Thanks so much for all of the info. I just drilled a hole 1" lower on the brake pedal bar and unfortunately no diff.

I think you might be on to something regarding my pedal not pushing completely into the MC. When I was bench bleeding the MC, at the end it got to the point where I could barely push the piston in, so I figured it was fully bled. I would assume if the booster rod was pushing into the MC I would encounter that same resistance, but like I sad it goes right to the floor very easily. I'm gonna call Early Classics as well to see if they know anything about a spacer. Like I said I'm pretty sure the piston I was pushing against was flat with no shape at all, but to bleed it I did have to stick a phillips in to the MC about 1" to contact the piston.

One question. When the motor is running the pedal goes to the floor very easily, but when I turn off the motor there is a bit more resistance in the pedal. Any reason for that?

Also this is a dual MC kit with dual front lines and proportioning valve. There is a thick (rear) line and a thin (front) line coming of the PV. Thick line goes to the rear and thin line breaks off to the calipers. Doesn't seem to be any leaks and I did bleed all wheels after I hooked up the MC.


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