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Old 10-01-2012, 04:02 AM   #3
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Re: I think my truck is cursed

Manual steering is the BEST!

I'm on a most likely original steering box, shaft and suspension (blown out, everything looks like it needs replacing) and I have no trouble at all when I'm at proper tire pressure.

Sure, you're going to be swinging your arms in more circles to make the same turn as you would in your power steering rig, but it's really not much more difficult at all (even at a standstill).

But I cannot stress enough - tire pressure is KEY! I thought my gear box was blown out when I first got my truck. Then I visited the gas station, put in 15PSI and I was laughing all the way home.

Oh, and steering wheel size wouldn't hurt either. If you're rocking one of those aftermarket 13"-15" deals, you may find yourself considering investing in an old bus type steering wheel. I did, and it works great (cracking and all!)

Oh - and when it's running, I use it as my daily driver too.
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