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Old 10-15-2003, 12:50 PM   #8
sactoC10's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Northern CA / Sac
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Checked out your link < >, nice ride too. That is nearly EXACTLY how mine looked when I drove it home in August, in terms of ride height. It was the first thing I was determined to change.

I'll add this. When shopping for drop spindles, I ended up with the CPP's which are NOT a direct bolt on, but provide a very beneficial upgrade (new upper ball joints and larger tie rod ends). By adding the new tie rod ends, you beef up the front a bit and changing the upper ball joints just makes sense while there.'ll probably have to drill out the rivets from the stock ball joints...which is a nuisance. BUT...the new ones bolt into place and are then easily changeable.

I wanted the ease of the "drop-into-place" bolt ons, but the extra work was worth it IMO.

None of my pictures show the recent (as of Monday 10/13) drop in the rear by another 1.2" which helps the rear wheel well fill in a bit more with those tires/wheels. I'll just keep tweaking it!
5/4 drop LWB wood bed - 15x8 front 235/60 - 15x10 rear 295/50
2003 FORD Escape
1998 Honda VTR1000
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