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Old 10-03-2012, 06:14 PM   #21
Hot Rod Todd
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Location: Christchurch New Zealand
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Re: Help with traditional look wheel/ tire size...

I guess the Goodyear wide whites are traditional but they are really ugly compared to the BFG.

The whitewall is on a thick ridge of rubber - maybe 1/4 inch wide and the tread is pretty thin compared to the tyre width. So I guess if you want a tyre that fills the guard well, without a big footprint on the road, then they would be great.

The other issue with the Goodyears, it that the circumference by the rim have a bunch of Xs on the whitewall and they gather dirt & dust so when you get anywhere, they tend to look dirty. I dont like that.

I bought the tyres via a phone call from here in New Zealand, and the tyre shop in California said a lot of folk didnt like the Xs on the whitewall. I hadnt seen them, and they had no BFGs in stock so I ordered them as the container was leaving a few days later and I ran out of choices.

I will get BFG wide whites next time round.
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