Thought! Chevy changed to Hydro clutch on their trucks--why? I put a 96 chevy truck 5 speed with hydro clutch in my 72. Engagement speed, lockup, leg pressure, all no problem as long as you are not in traffic all day and then a mechanical clutch would be just as big a pain. My 5 speed will give me over 20mpg with a 350, edelbrock, HEI, 308posi. Biggest problem was the firewall linkage and driveshaft length. The slave cylinder is actually built into the throwout bearing assm as there is no clutch release arm!!!! Mounted the clutch master cyl on a plate and fastened it to the firewall- centered from the brake booster. BTW, also have a C5 vette with hydro clutch that is in fact easier to depress and Holds like a raped ape! Chevy didn't go this way for fun--it's cheaper with less parts just like their changeover torsion bar front suspension on 4x4 trucks.
72 Cheyenne, 350, 5spd, LWB, Super trim.
71 GMC JIMMY 4X4 --needs stuff-!