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Old 10-15-2003, 09:24 PM   #7
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Lewisville, NC
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wow, looks like I got some options here, find out if that motor is a 283 or 327. For some reason I like the sound of a 327 lol. Right now I don't care about cubic inches but a 406 for 400 bucks sounds pretty good. I could probably sell it to a friend for his camaro after I was done with it. I'm going to try and dig into my knock a little more to verify whats actually doing it, so i'll let you guys know if I need an engine or not, although i'm pretty certain I have a bad bearing and don't want to ruin this 350. All I need it to do is last until I get my fresh 406 put together. Depending on how far you guys are from me i'll decide that way cause I don't want to drive a real long ways to pickup an engine. Plus i'll have to drive my truck with a possibly bad rod lol, its not very bad right now though.
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