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Old 10-05-2012, 12:04 PM   #1
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78 4x4 for $500 just how far is to far gone?

I will have some pictures in a bit but im looking at a 1978 chevy 4x4 with a running 350 that doesn't smoke or tick. The title is good to go and the frame/axles are in good shape as far as rust goes. However the body is a different story. The bed sides are so rusty and broken down they would flap in the wind like a retrievers ears, rockers and cab corners were prob gone before any Bush seen office and the door jams where the hinges bolt on are...Ominous to say the least. One floor pan is ok the other side is gone. These trucks are plentiful but I may be able to work the price down some. The folks that have it cant figure out why it wont run and just as i suspected it was a neutral safety switch issue. Im just more or less wondering if its worth it? How much is too much to fix?
Two days ago, I saw a vehicle that would haul that tanker. You want to get out of here? You talk to me.
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