Interesting you would post this. Today I was going to purchase a kit from Sky Manufacturing (their S10 SAS kit) to do just what you describe. This will be the second 55-59 I've made 4x4. The first was my dads 56 using stock rearched springs bolted to a 72 Blazer axle. Stock steering box/pitman used. I have to say, that thing rode like a tractor. I was told by several suspension experts that a shackle reversal would make it ride nicer. I drove that beast clear through college like that and I loved it.
So, I made all my mistakes on that truck. Plans for this second 56 will include the shackle reversal using something like the above mentioned kit and using either 1967-72 2.5 in. wide Chevy springs or Wagoneer springs. It will have crossover steering using a 78 IH Scout p.s. box and a kit from ORU, DIY, or Sky mfg. Some people cringe when I mention the Scout steering gear, but it is a Saginaw gear just like GM uses and I'm told my p.s. pump hoses will screw right to it without modification.
Why not just use a GM box you ask. In the past 25 years I've seen dozens of people do just that on 55-59 conversions (steering box on outside of frame rail) and all of them that use tires larger than 33 in. complain about the tire hitting the steering box and limiting right turn radias. The Scout box doesn't interfere because it mostly sits on top of the frame rail.
So, back to the topic. If you are thinking of building a front spring hanger kit for 55-59 Chevy 4x4 trucks that is strong and inexpensive count me in. I suggest you look at the Sky Mfg website at the S10 SAS kit to get an idea of what I am looking for in a kit. I'll be standing by.

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