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Old 10-07-2012, 06:26 AM   #7
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Re: No oil pressure, new build

My truck has the same issue. Pressure drops slowly until the gauge barly registers any at all. I tried 3 different gauges, all behave the same way.
My 305 is stock, and has never been opend as far as i know, so I figured it was just starting to show itīs age and was ready to be pulled. Since Im going to replace it I decided to see how long it would run before something happend.
Well It has lasted the whole summer, and is still running good, no excessive oil consumption and not blowing smoke eighter.
I never had an engine that behaved like this before
The fleet:
2007 BMW 530xi M (daily driver)
1986 C-10 Stepside (project "my time")
1992 Corvette cab (summer time daily driver)
1969 Cadilac DeVille Cab ("it just need some paint")
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