Originally Posted by VWNate1
How hot is it running ? .
Overheating means spewing coolant , not running @ 200° F .
How many rows in the radiator core ? .
Base and full advance timing ? .
What engine size ? .
Those fans look very nice indeed , how about sharing the contact info and location of this Entropy Radiator Shop , there are very few good ones left .
Hey Nate...ya' geezer. This is Randy, you met me at Bob'b Big Boy in Downey with the C10 club guys, red '69 no wood in the bed. Ring any bells?
Anyway, not spewing any coolant, running 210* - 215* on freeway@70 - 80 mph. Running 220*+ in traffic on 100*+ day.
2 row 1.25" tube radiator core, aluminium radiator. 20lb cap.
Timing is 10* base, 36* total (vacuum can unplugged), all in at 2500 rpm.
Here's the link for Entropy Radiator:
http://www.entropyrad.com/. Tony is in Chicago.