So heres an update with some pics, got it running last night, has plenty of power

. It looks alot dirtier in the pictures than it is, but it really does need cleaned up. Im doing this really low budget for two reasons, one is because Im in college and have no money, and two is because a couple friends and I have a bet on who can make the fastest car for under $1000. right now ive only spend around 300, so im doing pretty good.
I still need to finish exhaust, have aftermarket y pipe & cat, need muffler and some pipe. Im planning on putting a three in thrush glasspack on, and then running the exhaust out the side right before the rear tire. And Im thinking of making a cowl induction hood, since Im ok with the welder. You can see the open element I made in the pics, its not quite done yet, still have to cut the top lid, and Im hoping to get the vacuum/ crang filter lines done this afternoon. The pics arent great, but ill get some better ones this afternoon when I pull it out of the garage.
Ohh, and I forgot, the interior was completely clean like a month ago, but its really dusty in the garage, cant believe haw messy it got. Going to have to clean it out this week.