Re: Just a reminder...
I've had 2 blow up in my 65 years. The first was in 1981, I had removed the battery from my tractor and was charging it. I was about 15' away and heard the charger change the pitch of the hum it was making while charging. I went over to it and just as I started to reach to unhook it it blew up. I had glasses on so my eyes were protected. I ran over to the house and yelled for Naomi to come out and spray me down with a water hose After a few minutes of being sprayed I shed my clothes and got in the shower.I was red for a while but nothing that left a scar.
The second one was my son Lew's (Lewser on the board) battery in his MGB convertiable. The battery was located under the passenger side rear seat and he had my 36" snap on pry bar trying to get the hold down out of the way.He shorted the battery and it blew the top of the battery thru the back plastic window. He was home on leave from Great