Thread: driver door
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Old 10-16-2003, 06:26 PM   #5
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I have the same problem, but it has a dual symptom. My door around the hinges has rusted thin enough it is flexing on opening(you can watch the metal move when someone else lifts the door at the back). AND my drivers side kick panel has rotted thru at the joint between floor and kicker. With the top off, you can watch the steering wheel drop almost 3/4" when you open the door. Both will be addressed this winter. You need to find the problem, because I've been driving Da Beast so long this way (with a soft top), that I have actually crushed the door longitudinally, and ruined it for any thought of rebuild. And I've torn out 2 of the 3 mounting screw holes for the latch. This baby is getting opened and closed very gingerly for now.
'72 Blazer, 4WD, 350/4 spd. Affectionately known as "Da Beast"
'04 Silverado (new daily driver)
'00 Intrepid (wife's ride)

It's a BLAZER dude! No options, no emblems, no a/c, no fancy shmancy. It's a BLAZER....
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