Re: 1965 gmc 4000
the 40 series shown above has the fenders for the smaller truck, (no flare,) and no running board. also the grille shell looks shorter height, and the cab's mounted lower. so was the GMC 4000 not the same series truck as the Chevy C-40? Or, is that truck something larger than a 40? Vin# would probably answer that. Is the truck pictured here a Chevy for sure? it does have a GMC hood. (On second look at the 4x4 truck, it does look like there may have been a running board, just missing.)
I looked at a C-60 recently, and the cab, though the same as the 10-30's is mounted higher, and has a flat floor with no trans hump. it also had a "taller" grille shell.
I remember years ago (1970's) attending an auction at a utility line construction company that was closing up. They had acres of big series all-wheel-drive trucks outfitted for off road line work, and most of it was Marmon-Herrington conversions, we actually bought a couple of them. They weren't Chevys, though. one was a Ford, and one was a corn binder.