Originally Posted by McMurphy
Hope you dont mind, but Modges comment fired off the right side of my brain, and I had to agree so much, I did this little gig for you in paint...
I think his idea has some merit...
thank you so much for the effort!!
Originally Posted by hemifalcon
A single red pin stripe at the juncture of the silver/black at the body line with a single red pinstripe along the flange on the rims is all it needs... IMO
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Originally Posted by Modges'66
Hey McMurphy!
Looks Kinda cool.
But, not exactly what I was thinkin.
I was thinkin really subtle on the rims, just something to accentuate the diameter of the wheels. And when mark suggested 1/4" tape to separate the black & grey, I thought that that may be too wide of a stripe also.
Sometimes it is not always good to see all of the detail from a distance.
I am feeling what you guys are laying down. The red stripe goes on tomorrow (Sunday) and going to try to put 1 single red stripe around the outside of the wheels to get an idea.