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Old 10-15-2012, 05:43 PM   #1
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Location: reading,pa
Posts: 38
finally working on my 68

wanted to give everybody an update on the 68 chevy im working on

so far i have removed the "in cab" gas tank and replaced it with a 16 gallon fuel cell ///////i also have a "flush mount" cap that i am going to route up through one of the stake pockets on the bed.....

new (to me) 8' bed ready to go on

lowered 4" in the back along with new shocks, shock relocators and an adjustable panhard bar.....

will lower the front after I get the bed back on and see how it sits......probably 2-3 inches tho

starting bodywork

replacing cab corners and inner and outer rockers on both sides as well as fixing some pretty serious floor rust

the passenger side is all screwed together aligned etc///ready to weld but havent touched the drivers side yet

i bought a nice set of re-habbed doors so they will be going on as well

new front fenders (after I reload my wallet a little)

heres how the truck looked when i bought it

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