Originally Posted by GRX
First, be sure there are no spring clips over some of the studs. It's pretty common for the drum to stick where it slides over the center hub. Spray some penetrating oil on there, let it sit for a couple hours, then apply some heat to the drum around the center. Often times the drum will pop right off.
Are your brakes new or old? If they are old the drum may be worn and it may be necessary to adjust the shoes inward enough to clear the ridge on the outside edge of the wear surface. It which case your drums should be resurfaced, or possibly replaced if worn passed maximum diameter.
I dont have a clue on the condition of the rear brakes...i bought the truck with no motor and got it running and then i ran into this...im going to try tomorrow to get the drums off and let yall know what i find...thanks to everybody with the advice given so far..hopefully it will turn out to be something simple.
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