Originally Posted by 67c10rustbuket
Wow the paint looks great, I doubted the color choice at first but now I see it looks awesome! great choice. What is up with that poor little Camaro convertable in the background 
The Camaro is an interesting story. It belongs to an acquaintance of mine and her husband called me about 5 months ago and asked me if I knew anyone who could restore his wife's Camaro. She ordered this car new when she was 16 and has owned it ever since. It seemed like such a fun project we took it on. This has been a nut and bolt rotissorie restoration. I have the build documented on my thread on Garage Journal.
Originally Posted by piratexpress1369a
red looks awesome breaks it up nicely ..don't paint the mirror black ..leave it billet
I agree with you. The billet is too pretty and it looks nice. thanks!
Originally Posted by hemifalcon
HIDE THOSE TURN SIGNALS--they are totally out of place in that grill.... But that red stripe at the silver/black looks great--
Posted via Mobile Device
Yes I agree but unfortunately the guy who owned this suburban before me cut a small hole in the grill to mount them. The best I could do is probably find some better looking light to install there. Ideas are welcome.
Originally Posted by McMurphy
I could not agree more!
IMO art is truely at its best when it looks as good from a distance as it does up close. Even more so when you get up close and see things you could not from the distance...that is good art!
I couldnt agree more. good comment.
Originally Posted by Modges'66
I'm with Hemifalcon!
BTW whats the code on that silver? I'm gonna two-tone mine Corvette Jet-stream blue & silver...that I haven't picked yet. I love the way that your's looks almost like pewter!
It is 2009 Mercedes Iridium Silver Metallic. I believe there is about 25% flat clear mixed in with the clear. I think anytime you throw a little satin on paint it gives it kind of an electric look. It is a great silver.