Originally Posted by jgrisafi
I don't know if I missed it but my appologies if I did. Where does one learn to fabricate a suspension like that? Is it inheritated, learned, or are you one of those guys who just see's it in his head and can turn it into reality? Pure genius my friend. That is by far the cleanist, best looking suspension setup I have ever seen under a Chevy C10. Just sayin............................
Thank you! I can't take all the credit for the chassis, we tore my truck down last fall for cab corners and rocker panels and this is what it has snow balled into. A guy that is my neighbor/friend that I have know since I was little is giving me the assistance with this one, I call him the engineer lol. My grandpa actually had the Vette suspension and thats what got the ball rolling on this one, it went from integrating the suspension to the stock frame, to building a 2x4 box tube and led to the full round to chassis. He had never built a round tube and said he wanted a challenge this time. It has taught me a lot over the past year but to answer your question he is one of the guys who can vision it in his head and make it come to life, it's amazing.
Thanks again for the kind comment!