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Old 10-16-2012, 09:52 PM   #303
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Re: My '67 Fleetside C10 renew

So Johnny got pissed 2nite and had to walk away. The closer I looked, the more disappointed I am with the body work I've done. Then I look back at the bedsides, wheel tubs etc... and remember what I set out to do in the first place - driver, NOT show car. There's a ton of dings back there that I didn't even bother with. I'm getting kookey man! Really, I think it looks pretty good and sometimes I just have to step back and remember big picture.

I scuffed on that epoxy a bit, just where I've got obvious repairs to make and I'm worried I didn't get it on there heavy enough. It sure don't take much with P180 to get to metal. It was one wet coat. I had sags in a couple spots so I don't think I could have put it on much heavier???? Dunno.....

Then the seam sealer. The stuff I have has about the exact consistiency as Liquid Nails. Its much thicker than I was expecting. This crap is WAY STICKY too. I did some some inconspicuous areas then tried to "smooth" it a bit with the finger tip - bad idea. Laquer thinner cuts it but it also cuts the epoxy - ugh!!!! I made a mess. I watched some Youtube videos where dudes taped along both sides of the seam, layed a basic bead, then brushed it out. They pulled the tape immediately. I think I'll try that, but I'm not real sure I've got the best goo here. I'm really not looking forward to the drip rails! Them are UGLY from the factory and it just seems like it'll take a ton to make it look decent.
'77 K30 3+3 - "The Crummy"
'67 C10 L/SWB - Soon to be daily driver!
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