Thread: tranny issues
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Old 10-17-2012, 04:34 PM   #4
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Re: tranny issues

If it's sat a lot of the time with a fairly fresh trans overhaul to begin with-it may be youhave some debris or some dry spots in the housing of the modulator valve. If reverse is ok chances are it's not a worn 1st gear synchro set since on TH400's 1st and reverse share the same ones, you might want to pull the cover off the modulator valve and pull it out-take a lint free cloth soaked in transmission fluid and completely wipe the interior of the housing out and re-install the modulator valve-that might help...if that doesn't make a difference, try adjusting (if it's an adjustable type) the vacuum modulator itself-clockwise lowers the shift point and counterclockwise raises/delays the shift point.
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