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Old 10-18-2012, 12:21 AM   #119
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Re: 56 step/C5/C6 Z06 BBC

Originally Posted by Chevette View Post
Thanks for the kind words. I've been following your build, and it's very impressive. You'll be driving yours way before I get mine on the road.
BTW.........."Location: vancouver the biggest place most people would know but I am actually out in the valley 45 mins away". Is that 45 mins before or after the new bridge is open? Are you in the Abby?
Thanks man..
I hope my harness shows up friday ....and if it does I should be ready to fire next week...fingers crossed . That new bridge is a mess....I am glad I don't go into town often anymore......and ya you can put me down for Abby. Your truck is going to be killer when it's done you have done some great work.
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