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Old 10-18-2012, 01:19 AM   #10
Average Joe
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Re: UPGRADING a 67 ????

I just replaced the factory 283SB in my 67 c10 'Burb with a 454BB. I had to trim the top flange of the frame approx 3/4 of an inch like others have said. Firewall clearance was not a problem while using factory 68-71 BB frame towers and block mounts. To do it over again I would use later model "clamshell" mounts and towers from 72? and later pickup especially if you are not going to run headers. Header clearance may be different with the newer mounts. Just for the record my 'Burb HAD the factory raised bosses on the frame to accomadate a power steering box. No spacers or dimpling required. I realize this is unusual on a '67 and I would not count on them being there.
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