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Old 10-19-2012, 01:05 AM   #26
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Re: Teenager rant (long winded, sorry)

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck View Post
Hey now, S10s can be pretty cool and reliable little boogers, and fairly cheap. I bought this super clean one for $4,200 with 92K on it in june 2008, put maybe $500 in cool parts in/on it, and sold it in june 2012 with 130K on it for $4,000. I actually miss the little red bastard, it was my DD and road trip ride. Went to charlotte many times with it, NY a few times, took it to Spring Carlisle in 2011, and it went all over NC and GA during my 65/66 mustang search. I probably put 2,000 miles on it just going to look at cars.
haha don't get me wrong. I had one too. I loved that damn truck. Pissed me off more times than I can count, but never left me stranded.

I sold it to pay for my 68 and at the moment I couldn't be happier. I may miss it down the road, but there honestly wasn't anything special about it aside from the rims and that's only personal value. If I ever want one again I'd buy it and do it up the exact same way haha.

But what I was really getting at is that if you can't foot the bill to fix a c10 you won't be able to afford a reliable beater. You'd just be throwing money at junk. And chances are, with all the electronics in newer cars it would be MORE expensive to fix.
1968 C10 - Project Texa Go 6.0/4L80e
2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
2002 Ford Excursion 7.3L
2024 Toyota Sienna
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