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Old 10-20-2012, 10:53 AM   #27
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Re: Factory Correct Restoration Details

Originally Posted by Graham57a View Post

The question: What are the little details (overspray, finishes, bolt types) that you've found consistent on these old trucks from the factory??

I thought it would be helpful for someone who wants to restore a truck to look factory "correct" if there was a place to compile all of these details and maybe ways that you've found to replicate some of the original details on your truck.
Good question, however it is very hard to generalize and clump the 67-72 era together. Each year may have unique features and details that other years do not share. I suggest the best way to learn about how the factory did things for each year and model, search around for some super low mileage trucks the same year as yours and learn from them. Beware, not all trucks that claim low mileage are, but some of us seen enough of them now the difference. Here is a bonifide low mileage '68 to learn from.
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