Thread: Which color?
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Old 10-21-2012, 02:27 AM   #33
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Re: Which color?

Thanks to everyone who responded, it seems the whites have it! But I havent completely decided yet. The white does match the pin stripping (which I like) but the black does make it look diffrent than stock. Today I tried painting the letters of the grill red to tie that back in with the pin stripping but quickly found out my hands are way to shakey for fine detail paint like that so I will try a diffrent aproach soon. Working this weekend but will get some new pictures up next week with the red letters. Oh yea and a few more things: I may be scuffing the blue down this winter (Its hot rod flatz daytona blue and i don't like the medium gloss of it, just looks awkward in the sun) so the pin stripes may have to be redone. Second: if I do keep the flat black I want to paint black scallops on the roof hood and sides and do a red pin stripe around them and also paint all other chrome flat black. Third: The interior is a red and low gloss black so this whole paint trial is mainly trying to tie the whole truck together (there was no other white on the truck besides the front end). Thanks again to everyone for your input, I'm fairly new to the site and apreciate all the help and compliments.
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