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Old 10-18-2003, 10:35 AM   #3
old Rusty C10
Robert Olson Transport
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first off let me say its a gorgeous truck, and it looks like there was alot of effort and thought that went into this vehicle to get it no the shape it looks like now; you can see its been tastefully done and carefully done.
Unfortunately i dont see this fetching alot of $$$ compared to what ya have in it. My truck which needs paint and some body work with a stripped down cab ( custom deluxe with power steering and auto trans as factor options and an aftermarket cassette radio ( jensen)) is worth about $1400 give or take and i think its kinda on the high side myself. Im gonna say maybe $16-1800 for yours and again that may be high end. Bear in mind Im in the NYC area and there isnt as big a call for a pickup out here as say in the midwest or the farm areas etc. can only go by what i know in my area
I have a 1999 ranger with a 4 banger automatic 2wd full power 76K miles etc and the last time i had it appraised they offered me $2500 for it as a trade towards a new truck again in my area in 1999 i woulda paid $16,900 for it sticker and i added accessories to it like a cap, racks,pinstriping and bedliner, just to give ya an idea about prices here

1951 International running on a squarebody chassis

"If a man's worth is judged by the people he associates himself with, then i am the richest man in the world knowing some of the fine people of this board" (you can review the site rules here!)

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