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Old 10-22-2012, 12:45 PM   #3
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Re: 1962 GMC 305V6 4WD Slow DD Build - Cecilia (Pic Heavy)

Click links to see larger pix.
I'm very lucky to have these little curtain climbers. This is a great opportunity to get them outside with their dad.

My future wrench turner trying the seat out

Lunch on the tailgate with my son. It doesn't get any better than this.

My son and my "powder puff mechanic" taking turns. The seat is like a trampoline due to it's age.

My powder puff mechanic posing with my busted up old tailgate.

My oldest trying out the wheel. "What's this other pedal for?" Ha ha

And finally the carnivorous Cecilia and my powder puff mechanic being a ham.

Step by steps:
Remove primer to reveal original paint
Rebuild a carburetor
See My Build - Cecilia!
Some people are like slinkys. Not worth much but funny as heck when pushed down stairs.
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