Thread: No start
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Old 10-22-2012, 01:09 PM   #4
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Re: No start

There isn't a shut off valve in the fuel line that is closed? I've run into that before.

It looks like you have eliminated a plugged fuel line but are all the connections tight on the fuel line and are the rubber hoses new? If it is sucking air though a leak it won't pull fuel out of the tank. You should also be able to blow in the filler neck and push gas up though the fuel line. I've also had a couple of vehicles that took more fuel in the tank before the pickup tube would pull it out of the tank.
The guys did hit on one thing and that is that old fuel pump diaphragms are prone to fail quite often.

Follow Yewhi's suggestion for setting the points. Too many guys set them with the rubbing block against the flat of the cam rather than with it on one of the tips of the lobes of the cam. Distributor cam that is.

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