Thread: Boss 338's
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Old 10-26-2012, 04:41 PM   #4
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Re: Boss 338's

Originally Posted by VA72C10 View Post
From what I just read a set was just purchased and installed on one of our trucks within the last few weeks...the dust cap issue was solved....but the more pressing issue....hub fitment...hasn't been....still have to machine down or grind off the hub on the brake rotors for the wheels to fit on.

Correct about the rotor. You still have to grind down, or machine down the rotor to fit the wheel. In my case it was extremely simple, I took a flap disk grinder, loosed the wheel center nut, and spun the rotor to get an even taper.

I do however have an issue with the dust caps, either they take a lot of "friendly urging" to fit into the rotor, or they are too large. I've read a bunch of threads about the dust caps, some folks have the older style that fit into the wheel itself, mine are designed to fit into the center of the rotor hub itself, and they feel like they are a few mm too large.
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