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Old 10-27-2012, 10:49 PM   #5
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Re: And so it begins......

Started looking around at things on the engine and started tearing some things apart and doing my research. And.....the engine and trans are 2001 and not 2004. I am pretty furious at the moment because the guy who sold it to me swore it was an 04 and that he pulled it himself. I didn't know at the time that I should be looking for a DBW and returnless setup on an 04. My fault for not having all my research done.

So basically now: I know that the PCM is reb/blue not blue/green. I know the fuel rail is return style and not returnless. I know that the throttle body is DBC and not DBW. What other difference are there between a 2001 and a 2004 lq4?

Kinda in crisis management mode I suppose.
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