This one looks better.
The block goes on top of that gasket.
Then another gasket to seal it to the intake manifold.
Now flip it back to where you can see the mixture screws pictured below. There are two, one on each side of the float bowl.
Put your screwdriver in one of them and hold it very loosely. This is so that you can tell when it gets lightly seated (snug, not tight!). Now turn it clockwise and
COUNT the turns, quarter turns, or half turns etc. as you tighten them. REMEMBER THIS NUMBER. Write it down if you need to.
This picture was taken after remounting b/c I forgot to reset them myself while it was off)

Once they're very lightly snug you now need to back them out one full turn. That's 360 degrees. That is how they should be set for life. Forget they exist now. Unless it runs like crap afterward, then go back to what they were and see if that fixes it. You remember what they were, right? You wrote it down.
I just know you did.
At this point we can move back to the engine bay. The end is in sight!
Remove the rag you put in the intake now. Be sure to jerk it straight up so as not to knock something off of your dirty engine into the intake.
Then place your first gasket, your block (if you have one), and your second gasket (again, if you had a block) on the bolts and line them up.
Set the carb down on it's new perch.