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Old 10-28-2012, 08:30 PM   #19
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Re: 1962 GMC 305V6 4WD Slow DD Build - Cecilia (Pic Heavy)

I forgot to dip my nuts and lock washers so I did that now. 10 mins in the drink!

Then it's on the carb mounts. Again I like to tighten them opposite, like a wheel. I tighten them good and snug again. Not tight, just snug enough to pinch the gasket.

Then attach the throttle cable to the top and tighten the screw.

Attach the rear clamp and tighten. Remember it has that little nut on the underside so don't unscrew it much.

Connect the large spring to the linkage shown.

Hook up the fuel line.

And finally fire it up and see if it runs. It has zero gas in the float bowl so remember that it might not start quickly the first time.
After you get it to fire up it should start easily after that.

If it runs put the air cleaner back on it. My photographer had a problem with the loud motor running so it's a little off center lol.

A little note about the air cleaner. I had intended to clean it as well but I ran out of weekend and painkillers so it got pushed back to next weekend. Sorry about that

If all went well the last step is to take the kiddos and the ugly mutt for a spin around the block!

Congrats, you just rebuilt a carburetor!

If you noticed something I did and shouldn't have done, or missed doing entirely, speak up! This was my first carb rebuild. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

My only issues after mounting were gas coming out of the carb piston hole and a rough idle, both of which were fixed by adjusting the float then adjusting fuel mixture screws as described earlier. My mixture screws were an entire revolution off.

Next up - some light engine cleaning...
Step by steps:
Remove primer to reveal original paint
Rebuild a carburetor
See My Build - Cecilia!
Some people are like slinkys. Not worth much but funny as heck when pushed down stairs.
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