Thread: 3r!c84 build
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Old 10-31-2012, 12:15 AM   #623
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Re: 3r!c84 build

pretty much yeah. but ase's are really nothing now a days. its just passing a test. no hands on nothing needed. but they are wanting to pay for all of my tests if id like to take them. ive just dont got the time really. dealing with a whole nother field in school really takes your head away from the automotive world. just wanting to stay focused on school thats why i didnt jump at the chance to go to training up in orlando and get my ase's.

anyways ! talked to the painter today the drivers side all the body work is done and primed and body is almost done on the passinger. should see some color in a few days. havnt had time to go over there for some pics. but this weekend ill head over there

really getting excited for this
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-00 Saturn 5spd

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