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Old 11-01-2012, 12:45 PM   #1
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Posts: 43
Drop spindles for my 66 c10

Hey everybody, I'm at the point where I'm about to buy some spindles for my 66 short box. I was looking at 2.5" drop from CPP but was wondering if anybody had any input or preferences on them. I tried to mount a set of gm SS 20" wheels off an 03 Silverado without the spindles and was unable to fit them over the factory drum brake hub. I believe the rims have a 3" center hole for the hub to fit. Not only that but the caps would not go on due to the hub sticking out to far. Does anybody know if CPP spindles will allow clearance for new style wheels with caps or maybe another alternative? A lot of guys change to 5x5" but im looking to have interchangeability with all the new 6 X 5.5" rims available today. Any help or input would be much appreciated! thanks!
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