I dont know where you live, but try to avoid painting it by any large patches of dirt. Grass isnt so bad, just keep wetting it down while you are painting. When you finish a coat of paint, put the gun in the garage and get the hose and water the lawn. It would be a good thing to talk this over with your neighbors. I did my truck outside, and a friend of mine did his. The cops showed up at his place, someone complained. Check out any laws about car painting in your area, asking a local autobody supplier is a good place to start.
Painting isn't unique, like anything else your prep work shows up in the finished product. If you try and half-ass something it will show up later. I don't know your knowledge/skill level, or if you've done anything before, but you want to use the biggest sanding block possible to get the surface smooth. Post any questions you have.
My engine is stock... trust me ;o)