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Old 11-02-2012, 10:03 PM   #5
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Re: Body filler won't feather out

When I first saw this post I was busy and on the move on the way out the door to do something and did not have time to reply but I was thinking the answer is needs more sanding . Probably could start or continue with a DA sander for a while then move to a block or a long board. Most of the time the problems deal with the featheredgeing the sanding is the key to the success or failure of the repair and the invisibility of it. I have said for a good long while now that the advent and use of the long board and high build primer and guide coat weather it is a spray on or a dab on type[ both have proven usefull to me] the guide coat performs just as the name implies, it guides you to the readiness of the filler by the coat leaving too soon the filler is still to high and if the coating stays on late in the sanding process the area is more than likely low where the coating is. I will also give you a tip on the sanding block go in a criss cross motion to maximize the removal of materail and to keep sanding marks to a minimun. Jim
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