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Old 11-04-2012, 12:00 AM   #4
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Re: Brrr. Time to get the shop heat working

The water heater is just Run-Of-The-Mill, pulled out of another remodel. I got 3 of them, but this one was the best. I want to find a little bit better propane regulator to see if I can get a little bit more fire under it. Something adjustable. The hose is long enough that I can put the tank outside. I also built a little table for it to sit on, since propane is heavier than air and will settle. I have a piece of heavy-gage tin plate behind it, too.

I found the really cool combo gauge-pressure and temp-that I will install when I get it drained down for that other stuff.

And of course, in any closed system you must have an expansion tank. Come to think of it, I did have to buy this. I think it was like 30 bucks.

The directions said to mount it on it's side like that, but it don't make any sense to me. I'm gonna change it so it's vertical.

That's about it. I do have a line voltage thermostat controlling the fans:

And an aqua-stat so that nothing works until the pipe is hot enough. This keeps the fans from running on forever if there is no heat:

Mostly, I just love tinkering with this kind of thing.
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