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Old 11-04-2012, 12:00 AM   #1
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C4 front end in a 1958

I have a C4 set up in my 58 and the rack blew the seals.....ay one know how to tell what year of C4 rack it is...?
I think the C4 gear I have front an rear came out of the same car......I know one of the rotors say 91 on it.......and the power rack decal has a part number but the last digit is rubbed out....but what i have is 603678_ Can anyone helpme out with this?....I also know it's a narrower C4 year....
1966 Pro street build[
1958 LS 2 build
1966 SBFS low and go
1966 SBFS street HULK

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Aluinum Radiator Dealer pm for details
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