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Old 11-04-2012, 11:30 AM   #1
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Location: Houston Tx.
Posts: 43
"SPORT" bumper alternative

Well im not sure if this is common or everyone has seen this done before but i went to a junkyard for some parts and saw this "sport" bumper. I am ashamed to say that bought it and it wasn't until I got home that i realized that it was not original. Its a 73-87 bumper with the side "wings" carefully cut off. Needless to say i took it back because i need an original. But I wanted to share this because It looked good and you can get these bumpers for almost nothing. They used the 73-87 brackets and it looked like a bolt on. well kind of, im sure they had to drill some new holes and there were some washers stacked to change the angle a little. Sorry no pictures of that.

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