Re: Agreed upon value. Need help deciding
Keep in mind, if your insurance company is telling you what it's worth, they are talking "bluebook" and you all are NOT discussing an agreed value policy. Most insurance companies won't just say "ok" because you show them receipts.
If you want an agreed value policy, you'll probably need to work with a collector car insurance company - and they will not cover you on a daily driver or a truck that isn't garaged.
So, you're in an awkward spot, you've sunk a bunch of money in a truck you love that most insurance companies will only cover for bluebook value on a normal policy. If your truck isn't a daily driver, then you'll be good to go with a collector car insureance company - unless they think your claim is outrageous. Receipts mean nothing - just tells them what you spent - and if they don't have some level of agreement as to what YOU think it is worth - they won't insure it.
I agree with PanelDeland - you may need to review your needs. Everyone WANTS to make sure they don't lose their investment in case their prized possession is stolen/wrecked, however, in some cases, it's tough to insure. A daily driver, in any condition, is difficult to insure for an "agreed value".
I'm in a similar situation. Recently had a pretty nice 66 - insured it with Grundy and was very happy with them on an agreed value policy. I sold it and now have a "rough" 71 Cheyenne Super that has a long way to go before I'd even bother trying to insure with Grundy - because I sincerely doubt that we'd agree on the value. I see it's potential, they will see its market value. Can't insure potential. So, for now, I just have a normal comprehensive policy with the same company that insures my dd. And I just live with the fact that, for now, if it gets stolen or is totaled in a wreck, I'll lose some money, ok, a good bit of money, and it will suck. Once it's a little more down the road toward restoration, I'll switch over to an agreed policy with Grundy - at a time when we can come together more closely on what the agreed value actually is.
Last edited by jocko; 11-04-2012 at 02:03 PM.