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Old 11-05-2012, 07:21 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Thunder Bay Ontario
Posts: 5
Hello...from the Great White North.

Hi my name is Ted, I live in Thunder Bay, ON Canada. I had a 72 GMC half ton as my first vehicle when I was 16 and it was in bad shape. When I got rid of it I swore one day I'd own another...20 years later, last May I finally bought a 70 Chev half ton and it's really coming along. It should be completed by next summer...I hope. Here's a pic from the day I bought it...

I've since rebuilt the engine and put a new transmission, put new exhaust, and I have all the new body panels sitting in my garage. So changing the panels and paint is next...along with interior work.

Last edited by det227; 11-05-2012 at 07:32 PM. Reason: to add a picture
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